


Do physical exercise(锻炼身体)/About physical exercise(体育锻炼)

要求:1. 从事体育运动有哪些好处?2.你常做的体育运动。


Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is important to a happy life. To begin with, there is a famous saying: "Life lies in exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they'll certainly help you live longer and more healthily. Second, exercise is good for us to build our bodies and mind, as exercise can also train us to response quickly. Finally, exercise can help improve our mood and make our life interesting. In a word, exercise is healthy, recreational and very interesting.


The benefits people gain from doing physical exercise are far more than they can imagine. It is essential for those people who want to be healthy and stronger.

For me, playing basketball is my favorite exercise. I have played basketball for about ten years. It is not only my hobby but also best way to keep me healthy. By playing basketball, I can forget everything bothersome around my brain and make a lot of friends at the same time.

I think no matter how busy you are, it is essential to doing physical exercise regularly. There are too much exercise that you can do everywhere and every time.